I am a podcaster, a blogger, a human rights defender, a writer and a public speaker. Overall a simple humorous and self motivated gentleman. I am very optimistic and always try to analyze all things in the best positive way possible because with a positive outlook one can face any problem and handle any situation. I always try to improve myself in all aspects of life. I adapt easily to situations and I have the ability to get along well with people. I am faithful and sincere towards my work. I love reading, writing and I enjoy travelling. My passion is deeply rooted in Human Rights work as well as in philanthropy development, particularly African-based philanthropy development. Working with under represented communities keeps my passion alive and my networks are my socio-economic capital, mostly in support of my work.

I was born in Galeshewe, Kimberley city of the Northern Cape province in South Africa. I’m a bachelor of laws degree (LLB cum laude) graduate. A fellow of the Human Sciences Research Council & University of California, Los Angeles Leadership in Stigma Reduction program (2015/2016). I’m also an alumnus of the Young African Leadership Institute Southern Africa (YALI 2018), a fellow of the African Radio Podcast through the radio workshop and the children's radio foundation, as well as a qualified Looking In Looking Out (LILO) Master Trainer 2015 through the Positive Vibes Trust, and a catalyst 2030 member, a global movement of social entrepreneurs and social innovators from all sectors who share the common goal of creating innovative, people-centric approaches to attain the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

During my student activism years, while working as a radio producer and broadcaster for the University of South Africa's (UNISA) radio station, amongst other responsibilities, I founded two LGBTQI+ human rights organizations, namely - Gays and Lesbians of Rustenburg (GLOR) a grassroots NGO based in Rustenburg, North West province of South Africa and the Gays and Lesbians of the University of South Africa (GLOUSA) which is the first LGBTIAQ+ student lead, student structure at UNISA. I previously worked as the Grants Officer for The Other Foundation Trust, an African trust that works as a grant maker and fundraiser in 13 southern African countries, while advancing equality and freedom in southern Africa, with a particular focus on sexual orientation and gender identity.

I currently work as the Programme Officer for the Free To Be Me program. An ambitious, daring and innovative project that helps to build and maintain vibrant LGBTIQ+ movements that are confident and capable to lobby and advocate for their human and economic rights. It is to date, the largest grant in history to have been granted by a government globally. The program works in 14 countries globally (South-east Asia, North, South, West and East Africa and the Middle East). I am a proud member of the Positive Vibes team.  

In 2021, I became the first African based fellow of the Connecting Leaders Fellowship Program, through the New York based Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE), which is a membership-based organization that promotes effective and responsive philanthropy in Black communities. In 2022 I was voted for as the convenor of Africa Forward,  and in 2023 as the interim chairperson of the South African Chapter of Catalyst 2030.

I co-authored an article on 'Absolute Sovereignty Exceptions as well as Legal Obligations of States to Protect the Rights of LGBTQI and Gender Diverse Persons (GDP)*'which was published by  Harvard Kennedy School through the LGBTQ Policy Journal in May 2021. I work part-time as a contributing writer (Op-eds) for the EXIT Newspaper as well as the Mail & Guardian Newspaper. I love life, adventure and mystery. I enjoy having meaningful engagements and discussions about innovative solutions that seek to address challenges of the World and confront root causes of problems rather than symptoms.